Sunshine Award – 2

Hello,I came to know about this today that I was nominated for Sunshine award by Freda on Aromatic Essence(clicking on the blog name will take you there) again.The questions asked there are pretty interesting so I thought why not answer them again. Here are the questions and link to the other Sunshine award.

1. The most priceless gift you have ever received?
I do not really get gifts as much as most people do.But it would be awesome if someone gifts me fountain/calligraphy pens,blank notebooks,books(novels).

2. Favorite genre of music ?
I listen to english songs and hindi songs.In hindi I listen to the latest ones and I listen to the old ones.In english I listen to the new and the old ones and I sometimes listen to Jazz(when writing,reading),Nessum Dorma,Country,Pop,mostly anything that is good to the ears.

3. Reading a book or watching a movie?
It depends on a lot of things.Sometimes I wouldn’t see any movie for months and I would just read and at times I’d give up reading and just watch movies.But reading a book is what I generally prefer.

4. The beach or the mountains ? And why ?
Never been to a beach but I love mountains.Although I’ve been to riversides and I sit there for hours just staring at the view and feeling the air.I love nature,so you can guess.

5. How do you pep up when you’re really really bored ?
I was wondering if someone could help me with that.

6.Do you believe in ancient aliens and UFO’s ??
I believe in aliens,there is life on other planets and I want to know about them.And if there are aliens then there will be UFO,after all our machines are UFO’s for them.

7. One word that describes you best !
One word is not enough to describe me,don’t worry I’m not some genius full of talent,but it is simply my inability to do it.

Here is the link where I replied to the other award nomination.There you can find who I nominated.
Thank you for being so awesome Bloggers. 

18 thoughts on “Sunshine Award – 2”

  1. Old Hindi songs. ❤
    Mountains. ❤
    I get it why you like having fountain/calligraphy pens. To flaunt that beautiful handwriting of yours. 😛
    And of course, people who gift books/novels are the best kind of people! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aren’t old hindi songs just awesome? 🙂
      Mountains – check. 🙂
      Well,yes you caught me.I do love to flaunt it and receive compliments(helps me grow).
      Where are those people found?Who gifts books/novels.

      Liked by 1 person

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